Outils - Logiciels

Altaro Hyper-V Backup

2 versions GRATUITES (2 VM’s) et UNLIMITED à télécharger à cette adresse : http://www.altaro.com/hyper-v-backup/


Liste des fonctionnalités :

  • Hot Backups – MS VSS Integration

    Back up live VMs with zero downtime by leveraging the Microsoft VSS Hyper-V Writer.

  • InstantBoot – Boot VM from Backup

    With the Altaro InstantBoot you can boot a VM directly from backup and get back working within seconds.

  • CSV Aware Schedules Groups

    Schedule Groups groups VMs on the same CSV together to decrease time in Redirected Mode.

  • Central Management for CSV Clusters

    Configure, backup and manage all CSV cluster nodes from a single console.

  • Restore Clones

    Restore VMs to the same Hyper-V Host but with a different name.

  • Restore to different Hyper-V host

    Restore an individual or a group of VMs to a different Hyper-V Host.

  • ReverseDelta – 300% Faster Backups

    Transfers only changes at the block level, whilst performing on-the-fly deduplication.

  • File Level Restore

    Mount backed up VHDs and restore files without having to restore a whole Virtual Machine.

  • Backs up Hyper-V Cluster Shared Volumes

    Cluster support for larger installations.

  • Backup Drive Swap Rotation

    Drive Swap functionality allows the customer to rotate backups drives on a daily basis.

  • Exchange & MS SQL VM backups

    Commits databases in VMs that host Exchange, MS SQL or other applications compatible with the Hyper-V VSS Writer.

  • Restore different versions

    Restore from multiple points in time rather than ‘the most recent backup’

  • Flexible Backup schedules

    Group together and set different backup schedules for different VMs.

  • Live Backups of Linux VMs

    Back up crash consistent Linux VMs without shutting down the machine.

  • Supports Microsoft Hyper-V Server (Core)

    Supports the free edition of Hyper-V [R2] running natively or as a role under Full or Core installations of Microsoft Windows 2008 [R2]

  • FireDrill Restore Tests

    Build a plan to make sure that in case of disaster you’re fully covered.


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