Gestion des dossiers et des partages réseaux avec Powershell

Pour créer une arborescence de dossier en Powershell il existe de multiples façons:

[powershell]New-Item “C:\MySharedFolder" –type directory[/powershell]

— ou encore —

$Folders = "C:\MySharedFolder","C:\MySharedFolder2","C:\MySharedFolder3"
md $Folders – force

Si ensuite, vous souhaitez partager ce dossier, utilisez la commande New-SMBShare :


New-SMBShare –Name "Shared" –Path "C:\MySharedFolder" `
–FullAccess domain\admingroup `
-ChangeAccess domain\FinanceUsers `
-ReadAccess "domain\authenticated users"


Parameter Name
Input Type
CATimeout Integer No How many seconds to wait before failing.
CachingMode Choice:
None, Manual, Documents, Programs, BranchCache, Unknown
No The caching policy for the share.
ChangeAccess String or String Array No Users to grant Read/Write access to.
Concurrent User Limit Integer No How many users can access the share at a time.
ContinuouslyAvailable Boolean (switch) No Whether to keep the share after the next reboot.
Description String No Friendly description of the share.
EncryptData Boolean (switch) No Use to turn on file encryption.
FolderEnumerationMode Choice:
AccessBased, Unrestricted
No Choose when folders are enumerated (listed) in the share.
FullAccess String or String Array No Users to grant Full control to.
Name String Yes Name of the share.
NoAccess String or String Array No Users to deny access to.
Path String Yes The file path to the shared folder.
ReadAccess String or String Array No Users to grant Read Only access to.
ScopeName String No Name of the endpoint that the share is scoped to.
Temporary Boolean (switch) No Share removed after reboot.
ThrottleLimit Integer No Limit the resources of the share.
AsJob Boolean (switch) No Create a Job to background process this command




  1. couco

    10 février 2017 at 11h17


    • Thomas Delahaye

      29 mars 2017 at 21h01


      Le paramètre –ContinuouslyAvailable ne fonctionne pas toujours.
      Supprimez-le et tout ira bien.


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